“ ” (The Mark) was designed by David Hilgier and myself to function as the title for the University of Denver's School of Art and Art History's Senior BFA Art Show.
During creation of “ ” (The Mark) we did multiple installations to introduce and create excitement among students, faculty, and guests. The last of these installations was intended to be a happening, only on display for three hours. Set up occurred the night before, and removal was planned for noon the next day. However, after receiving a welcomed faculty reaction, requests for it to be left up through the opening of the show were made.
These quote marks represent process, and our evolution from blank slate to state of realization. The left side of the mark represents our humble beginnings, where we all start, our unrefined nature as artists. The right side of the mark represents the end of our journey, our refinement, our realization of who we are as people and as artists.
We choose certain materials during the creation for a number of reasons. First, the materials connection to all fields of study at the school of art; design, print making, drawing, painting, sculpture, photography, and ceramics. Second, the materials and methodology are already loaded with meaning: the quote marks themselves relate to typography which requires a keen sense for space and minute detail; the use of linoleum printing blocks for their correlation to the blank slate; and the final printed mark and its relation to refinement.
The creation of “ ” (the mark) was bestowed upon myself and David by our peers and professors. As we tossed ideas back and forth it became about process, what better symbol for art students than something that represents process. Quote marks, a beginning and an end, they began as a humble doodle in a sketch book, and evolved into something that took on a life of their own.
I'll post these as soon as I find and scan all of them.
. During the creation of “ ” (the mark) I asked a few students to reinterpret the design. Elsa designed and tattooed her version onto my leg.
These are the many installations that David and myself did for this project
. Sadly only one picture of the guerrilla installation was taken.
Read the proposal we submitted to the faculty - pdf document.
to those who helped make the floor installation happen, my fellow students, Dana, Laurel, Jesse, Nicole; and my professors, Rafael Fajardo, Bethany Kriegsman, Annette Stott.